Sunday, January 15, 2012

Would you donate to get Nazis on the moon?

No, this isn't some weird conspiracy theory, rather it's the premise of the movie 'Iron Sky'. The project originated from Finland where a group of amateur filmmakers set out to use the internet to get their movie financed. On their website Wreck a Movie the producers established an online community of film fans. People connected to this community could donate money or otherwise aid the filmmakers.

The film's concept is ludicrous. In the last days of the Second World War the Germans execute a secret mission. Their plan is to use their anti-gravity technology to colonize the moon. Amazingly, they succeed and while old Adolf is blowing his brains out in Berlin his sympathizers are bouncing around the moon. In the film we'll see what happens when the vengeful Space Nazis return.

I've been following this production ever since I saw this enticing teaser back in 2008. Due to the nature of the project it took a long time to get started. But judging from the trailer they released in 2011 things are going quite well for director Timo Vuorensola. This is the first time we've seen footage from the actual film and it looks like it won't take itself too seriously. Which is a good thing, after all 'Iron Sky' is about goddamn Space Nazis...

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